Saturday, March 31, 2012

Catching Fire

I bet you guys are thinking this is a post about the Hunger Games. Well it's not. You see, Thursday was the last day before spring break for me, and in health class (my last class of the day) somebody lit my hair on fire.


I know I shouldn't think its funny, trust me when it happened I was freaking out. Like seriously I was so overwhelmed with emotions I was becoming hysterical.

So here's the story,
It was 2 minutes until school was over, and I was trying to catch goldfish in my mouth. Sadly I only got 1 in my mouth and like 20 in my eye, I have no clue how that happened cause I was wearing my glasses...ANYWAYS while I was attempting to catch the flying goldfish I heard my friend John say "don't do it man" and the next thing I knew I felt somebody blow in my ear. Startled, I jumped and looked at the kid who blew in my ear, then I started smelling sulfur. I looked at my shoulder to see ashed all over it, and my hair smelled horrible. That's when I started freaking out, then my teacher said "WHY DO I SMELL BURNING HAIR" and then I heard somebody say "MCKAYLA'S HAIR GOT LIT ON FIRE" and I'm like, "OMFG WHAT?". Too bad by the time my teacher started asking the dude, who lit my hair on fire, questions, the bell rang, and class was dismissed. The End.

Yup, that's what happened, I had to tell it to the administrators like 30 times before it processed through their head. I can't help but find it funny that something that random would actually happen to me...

Well I hope you guys enjoyed reading about my Thursday, by the way my hair is perfectly fine now, he lit it and blew it off so fast that it only burned it a bit.

Feel free to comment c:

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