Saturday, January 21, 2012

My Lovelies Have Died :c

I see there hasn't been any comments, are you guys still here? It would be weird to just write random things to nobody o.o

Okay so let's not start with a boring post! I did a few updates and now I have a Flickr Photo stream so you guys can see recent photos I have taken. You guys know about the SOPA thing and MegaUpload dying right? Well I think I can't live anymore if this keeps going on. Megaupload was the best place for me to get music and watch anime :c Great now since I said that I'm gonna get arrested. LOL SEE YA'LL IN THE ELECTRIC CHAIR! I found that saying off the internet. WOOOOOOOOOO. I also found a few funny pictures about SOPA that I would LOVEEE to share with you all c:

Wow these pictures are huge o-o

I think that's good for now c: And I would love it if you guys commented :c I don't like the dead-ness


  1. Lol soap sucks ;o they'r like attempting taking away my life D: cuz the internet is my life so its like nuuuuuu -dies- well, its not all of my life, but yeah o w o -yay a comment? :D

  2. Oh btw, i love ur panda cursor o w o it just made my life

  3. Agreed. I LOVE the panda cursor!

  4. Salwa your funny XD ikr! and thanks guys i love my cursor too c:

  5. It was this law that was about like, censoring the internet and stuff so you couldn't have social networks or blogs, they would all be gone :c THANK GOD ITS OVER THOUGH, WOOOOO, I think...
