Wednesday, May 11, 2011

School, Spanish, Other Weird Stuff, and My Stupidity

Jojo says...

Hello again~! Today in my school we started our end-of-grade testing (EOGs). These are the biggest tests of the year, and also the most boring. For the eigth graders we had the Science EOG today. The thing is that once you are done with your EOG the teacher will take it up and give you a book to read. Depending on how early you get done is how much time you get to read or sleep. I love reading, but I also love sleeping just as much. That creates a problem for me because I was scared I was going to finish my book, and I don't want to because it is REALLY good. So I chose to go to sleep. But going to sleep on a desk is hard to do, and when your trying to go sleep you want it to be quiet. But nooo, some kid in front of me had to be snoring. So this day could quiet possibly be the most boring day of my life! Also today in spanish we got our exams back and I got a grand total of 68 out of 100 points. In other words I got a 68, which is also a F. As some of you may know spanish and I have a love-hate relationship. I love spanish (most of the time...), but spanish hates me with a burning passion!! I don't even know what I did to make it angry at me! : ( Do you want to hear something weird?? I hope you do, becuase if you don't I would stop reading right here.

For those of you who decided to continue reading, here is the "something weird". Everytime you lick a stamp you are consuming 1/10 of a calorie. So if you want to cut down on your calories, DON'T LICK STAMPS! I got that weird fact from a weird fact website. If you type in "weird facts" on google and pick the first choice there you will hundreds of weird facts. On the title of this it says "School, Spanish. Other Weird Stuff, and My Stupidty". The "My Stupidity" parts comes from today. This is the second time I have written this post, and this is not a really short post. When I was about to publish it I pressed the back button by accident (don't ask me how I did, but I did.), and when I started pressing the foward button it just went to the posting page. Therefore, I am going to go now, so adios ~!

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