Monday, May 9, 2011

Hello World...: ) right now you may think this is Miki. Right? But its not. Its jojo : ) Miki sent me a email telling me that she feels really guilty that she hasnt posted in a really long time. And she will not be able to post for a couple of she asked me to post for her. You will know it is me if you see "jojo says....." If you have any questions for Miki you can ask me and I will ask Miki for you. Hmmm...Oh ok, i have something funny to tell you guys. Ok so on Saturday I was going to the bathroom and my ipod was in my backpocket and right before i sat down it fell in the toilet. EWW, i know its gross. But what was i supposed to do? Leave it there? So i pulled it out really quick (EW EW EW EW EW) and dried it off. Once it was dry i tested it out and everything worked fine but the sound. WOW...the sound. Whats the point of a ipod if you cant listen to music? The thing is right when my ipod fell in the toilet, i was going to a dance competiton that was 3 1/2 hours away...and we had to go right then. So when I told my dad he said to put it some dry rice. Rice?? Well lets just say after 5 hours of being in dry rice in a container it worked!!! So i guess if any of you guys drop you ipod in a liquid you now know to put it in rice. : )


  1. lol we used a hair dryer when my mom's cell got put in the washer xDDDDD

  2. jOjO, when do you ever not doing something like that?! Lol, Love you Jojo!

  3. my waterbottle exploded on my on my phone and i put it in rice and it halped!! :D
