Monday, May 23, 2011

Jojo No Posty?

I've been checking my blog recently to read the posts Jojo has made...but apparently Jojo took a break from posting, or just forgot. Don't worry it's all cool! I'm here so here's some really cool updates on my life!

This Saturday is Animazment! I'm so Excited, Jojo and I have planned this event for about a year now and it's finally here! If you are wondering what animazment is...well...go look it up! I'm not gonna explain the whole thing to you!! If you are going to animazment please tell me in the comments below, I will be very happy to see you there! Jojo will be dressed up as houjou satoko from ひぐらしのなくころに, or how you Americans would say it, when the cicadas cry. I have a  picture to show you! Loook at ittt!!   ひぐらし is a anime made in 2004 and is an amazing anime I recommend to anybody who like horror and mystery. It does have a lot of gore and such that will make you think about the anime non-stop! It's scary, it's funny, but oh boy this is the best anime I have ever watched! I will be going as hastune miku world is mine. I really can explain what it is, so all I have to say is to watch the music video.

I guess that's all for now! Bye!

jojo says...

Sorry I havn't been posting lately. I had company over at my house all weekend and I havn't had time to post. Sorryyyyyy. Anyways as you may of read earlier Miki and I are going to Animazment. I am soooooo excited!!!! I now have my full costume. Miki, her mom, and Lily went shopping today for my pink shirt and belt. We found exactly what we needed!
Here is a picture of Satako!!! Isn't she cuute?!?!

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