Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Cool, school is finally out for the year. Now I just have three years left, plus four years in college I'm planning to have...Great. JUST SEVEN MORE YEARS.Don't do what I do kids, go work at McDonalds, they're soon to take over the world anyways.

I'm so happy it's summer now. I can finally just sleep as much as I want and hang out with friends all the time. This is gonna be awesome.Yesterday my mom got me two ramune drinks (cool ass Japanese sodas) and a huge bag full of Pocky, Too bad I'm almost done with the Pocky and I'm saving the other ramune drink for a friend to try. I'll hold off with my favorite drink ever. The Yoohoo. That stuff is addicting man. It's not a chocolate milk, it's a chocolate DRINK. Har har.

I wish the weather didn't suck as much or I would be outside tanning (attempting to tan, I can never sit down for that long)or getting some apples from my apple tree. Man I'm mad, there's bugs all over the good apples. IT SUCKS.

I wanna do a photo shoot badly...I had a dream last night that I did, but then my neighbor came and started wacking the camera guy with a stick. It was weird o.o What's your guys' weirdest dream? I would tell you mine...But I wanna turn it into a story one day :D TELL ME YOUR DREAMS DAMMIT.


  1. I had a dream that my teeth were hurting. I woke up and realized I wasn't dreaming.


    Zel follows you, right? Or is it the other way around? Anyway, can you tell her that she's written in the story? Thanks, Miki.

    Also, how the heck do you get a panda and a bunny as a cursor? I want a guitar or a microphone or something musical like that!

    1. Go to my last post and look at the comments, I explained it there c: And I have dreams like that too when I wear my rubber bands XD

    2. Oh wait I mean the "Mah New Theme" post XD MAH BAD

  2. My weirdest dream is where I got pulled down the toilet by a hand..

    1. That wasn't a dream...I was there...In the toilet...

    2. Now that you mention it.....
