Thursday, May 24, 2012

Thar Be A Ringin' In Mah Ear

Two days left until Animazement
Three full days of school left
Five days until the exams begin
Three seconds until a major meltdown

I feel like I should be panicking, but I'm not. Here all my friends are worrying about exams, talking about Animazement, and having plans for the summer. And I'm just here worrying about this splinter in my foot.

I've started archery. I've always wanted to do it and now I finally get to. I taught my friend how to use a bow and arrow. Okay well I TRIED. It didn't work out that well...haha

Anyways I think I'm gonna be fine in my classes, as long as I pass. That's my motto.

I don't know what else to say. But you all are amazing. Keep smiling c:


  1. ENVIOUS! I've always wanted to do archery, and I kind of want to go to Animazement. But not as much as I do Mercon.
