Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I Really...REALLY Hate Chickens.

Okay so remember when I told you guys about how Kayla and I got chased by chickens? Well yeah now the really ugly chicken, like the Pimp of all chickens, decides to plot revenge on me. Every time I walk to school I make eye contact with the chicken and I swear it's like he's thinking, "It's the girl >.>" So I freak out.

First time, okay it sees me and attempts to kill me. Funny part is, is that it almost gets hit by a car. So I'm the loner who randomly bursts out laughing while the driving is cursing their brains out. Actually once you think about brains bursting out of somebodies head...it's kinda gross. LOL, anyways, so the next day (today) I just start walking to school and I see the chickens in somebody else's yard, because the neighbors don't have the brains to  keep chickens locked up. OKAY BACK TO THE POINT. I wasn't even near the chickens but somehow they saw me and the pimp chicken actually used it's brains and WAITED for the cars to pass. Then it chased me. I was so freaked out I walked home and had to get my mom to drive me. School isn't even a quarter of a mile away.


  1. I still don't understand why there are chickens in your neighborhood... been wondering that for a while haha

  2. ^ My neighbors got them. We have no clue why. But as soon as they do it again I'll have it recorded and I'll call the cops on them ;D

  3. http://www.google.com/imgres?q=guinea+fowl&hl=en&sa=X&biw=1024&bih=653&tbm=isch&prmd=ivnse&tbnid=uSEkEJmcDBcJuM:&imgrefurl=http://filmhacks.wordpress.com/2007/12/17/a-wrench-in-the-works/&docid=1WgJi9V69Mb8XM&w=290&h=280&ei=R5BeTvmEB4WSgQfSzqyaAg&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=392&page=1&tbnh=165&tbnw=166&start=0&ndsp=13&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0&tx=78&ty=43
    ^and there you have it. the ugliest and scariest chicken ever to be seen.


  5. My family has chickens,well my little sister does.
    I am not a fan of them, but ohwell.
    Carry a stick or something LONG, and do not be afraid to KICK the roster, it is your right to protect yourself.
    Instead of making eye contact, walk by and IGNORE it, if it starts to go after you just run to school, chickens actually can have heart attacks if they are running for to long. or if they are chased, so instead of freaking out, start chasing them, they will freak out most of the time and hide.
