Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Cows, strawberries, and lights

jojo says....

The title doesnt have anything to do with this post. It was just the first things that came to my mind. Anyways...my family and I just moved to a new house. It is not a big deal because the new house is only 1 mile away from my old house. We just needed  more space because we have 4 dogs, 2 cats, and I have 2 little brothers, also you have to add my parents. So that is 13 people/animals living in a 3 bedroom house, with a small kitchen, and a small living room. I am sad becuase it is the only house I have ever lived in, but I guess I will get over it. Sorry there hasn't been posts in a long time. I thought I was done posting but Miki sent me a email to keep on posting. This is going to be really random...but my mom got the cutest timer. It is just a little red strawberry, but I think I fell in love with the strawberry. OMG, my first love is a strawberry timer!! XD Is that weird??

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