Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Strawberries and Peaches

Ignore the title......

So today I am going to be complaining. About what exactly? I don't know.......I just need to write something.
  1. Braces, I hate themm they always cut your lip and it's almost impossible to sing with them.
  2. Crayons, just another form of cheap, plasticy coloring that you cant even erase, nor write on walls with
  3. Pants, we should all just walk around with bare bottoms
  4. Buttons on the TV, psh who uses that anymore? We all have like 50 remotes we don't need that stuff!
  5. Sandwiches, gross
  6. School, oh Lord, don't even get me started on that.
  7. Shopping baskets, they're awkward to hold and you don't even have enough room to put anything in them!
  8. Dog shampoo, the dog still smells like crap, even after we use 30 ounces of it on her
  9. Brooms, ever heard of a Swiffer Sweeper?!
  10. The Home Depot, my parents would always tell me that was my new home, so I cried.
  11. Post office, waiting, waiting, waiting, STOP FLIRTING WITH THE FAT LADY, THERE'S A LINE HERE YA' KNOW?
That's all I can think of, and my arms are in a really awkward position right now so yeh'...BYE LOL


  1. What about boys? They can get you to REALLY start complaining! I can agree with #'s: 1,4,6,and 11.

  2. @lily, don't worry, there's gonna be a part two!

  3. TV buttons are for people who can't use remotes or if the remote dies or gets lost xD -the remote for volume is gone from my house-

    Brooms are for mud clumps -.- I would know, I am forever the floor cleaner...
    and I live in a teensy town where lines for the post office are unheard of xDDD
    Shopping baskets are annoying, they never stay even and everything gets smashed -.-
    Oooh instead of dog-dog shampoo, use Mane and Tail for horses on your dog, it works much better(Trust me)
    and I dunno 'bout braces nor school, I had a set of top braces when I was nine, but they where only for a few months, and I'm home schooled, never been to a public school xD

  4. You were home schooled? One of my friends was home schooled...but he came back to public school last year. And the dog shampoo thing....its true for two reasons because dogs smell really bad once they get really dirty (trust me i have four)and also i think the reason they dont smell good once you wash them is because the shampoo it self smells bad. I also have a complaint about medicine (i dont think i spelled that right) because they have side affects...like may cause internal bleeding or even death!! They im like...well....mabey this headace isnt soo bad. XD

  5. @Miki, oh okay! Awesome! We did pacers today, omg. I just about died. jOjO did really well though.

  6. ^ I love you too random person <3

  7. @JoJo
    We have a dog(used to have two) and we quit using the dog shampoo when my mom got her horses, cuz the mane and tail stuff is cheaper and works better.
    I /am/ home schooled xD I might go to NZ for school in '13 :D
