Thursday, August 23, 2012

What The Hell

So here I am this morning, checking my stats, and going through my traffic sources. When I come across some...odd websites.

First I click a link that leads me to an illegal movie streaming website. I DON'T REMEMBER ADVERTISING MY BLOG WHERE IDIOTS GET VIRUSES FROM MOVIES THAT AREN'T EVEN OUT YET. And next on the "weird websites my blog is on" is a damn Facebook thing for FRENCH PEOPLE. WHAT THE HELL. And here's the worse one of them all. A PORN WEBSITE. I DON'T EVEN WANNA KNOW HOW PORN LEADS TO MY BLOG. Mostly because when I clicked the link my eyes screamed at me, so I quickly exited away. I don't like looking at used vaginas and smelly penises.

It bothers me though, on those websites it doesn't even show my blog, or I just didn't look hard enough. AM I THE ONLY ONE BEING ADVERTISED TO PORN? I hope nobody photo shopped a photo of me to make me look naked o-o THIS IS ILLEGAL D:

I guess you could call this venting. Or I'm just telling you guys as friends. Okay I'm venting. Really though, is this only happening to me? Feel free to tell me in the comments below xD  I find it funny, but it also bothers me....


  1. I don't even know how that stuff happens.

  2. D: I know right?!!?!?!?! It's just weird when our blogs get lead to from WEIRD-ASS WEBSITES!! Like mine, I remember that people got to there from a "Stop a cheater" website. WHAT. DA. HELL?! o.o It just creeped me out. And I hope they didn't do that either (Paragraph 3) If (IFFFF~!!!!) they Photoshoped a photo of you to make you look naked, I will find out where they are located and kill them with a chainsaw!!!! ^.^

  3. Good to know that I'm not the only one getting weird traffic links... ^^;
    I guess it's nothing to worry about, must be something completely random since all bloggers are affected, but I wonder why it happens...

  4. Here's the reason: there are some dirty-minded-perverted people that may read our blogs. That stuff does happen. I hate to say this, but somebody reads both our blogs that comes from a porn site first. What? Do they think that we're going to post porn on our blog? I don't think so.
