Sunday, August 19, 2012

I Be Expectin'

That title makes me sound like I'm pregnant.
I'm not I promise o.o

So guys, this Wednesday, a very important thing is happening to me. I'm getting my braces off. I'm so excited to be able to have a beautiful smile c: Except I'll have a retainer. Lol I'm not wearing that crap... Those things are gross. These kids in my class last year used to always drop them out of their mouth, but they would still put it back it o.o

Also another thing coming up is school. For once  in my 10 years of school, I am finally gonna say, "I don't want to go to school yet." School is too soon, this summer went by so fast. The only thing I'm excited for is the people, I'm so social. I'm not even motivated to learn anymore. Which is horrible. I need to get my act together, I'm like the worst kind of student. I'm smart, but I don't do my work. I hate doing homework, anything else is fine. 

I can't wait for Japan club though, I'm gonna see if I can be an officer, since last years J-club sucked ass. Hopefully I will be able to make it more fun, and not just us sitting there watching horrible anime shows and talking the whole time. 

Alright random picture time since this is just a post full of words...
I keep so much weird stuff on my computer...


  1. I have a retainer. Here's the news: use it religiously. If not, your teeth will end up just like they did before the braces. Also, do not wad it up in a napkin, leave it on your tray at school, and accidentaly throw it away. Trust me, you absolutely need this. And you'll probably get Invisi-line, so you won't be able to see it.

    1. That's true, I will be wearing it, but mostly at nights. Mostly because I don't wanna have to deal with taking it out while I eat, cause I eat all day. xD Thank you though c:

  2. XD that dude's face is hilarious and congrats on getting yo braces off :P I'm jealous and I agree summer went way too fast, I think I might cry Friday because it's my last day of summer *sigh* xD
